Our Offering: 3P India Equity Fund 1M

Category: Cat III AIF

Tenure: Open-Ended Scheme

First allotment date: 4 Mar 2024

Fund Managers: Mr. Prashant Jain and Mr. Ashwani Kumar

Fund Features

Fund Features

Objective:The Fund has been set up with the objective to achieve long-term capital appreciation by investing in permissible securities/instruments in accordance with the Fund Documents and the Regulations.

Investment Philosophy: Creating a portfolio of sustainable and reasonably valued businesses represents the core of 3P Investment Philosophy. Avoiding weak businesses lowers the risk of permanent loss of capital/returns. Effective diversification across key economic and business variables reduces portfolio risk. Further, risk in equities reduces as the time horizon increases, hence we aim to follow a low churn strategy. A low churn strategy also reduces costs.

Portfolio Characteristics: In line with the Investment Philosophy of 3P, 90% of the Fund (in our judgement) comprises of companies that enjoy leadership/strong positions in respective businesses and should be able to increase/maintain their market share. The portfolio is well diversified across key sectors and economic variables. The Fund is overweight consumer discretionary, financials, industrials & utilities and is underweight consumer staples, IT, materials and oil & gas.

In our opinion, portfolio companies follow good ESG practices. Interestingly, companies in conventional power have plans to rapidly scale up their renewable portfolio.